For Pragmatic Eyes Only

■ People are always asking you: "what are you going to do?" So you probably regard «values» and «organizational outcomes» as rather mysterious and as distractions from the real work.

■ As a result: you see values as tasks (important tasks of course), never as guiding ideas or principles which shape tasks and influence the way that things are done. You also see objectives as tasks (or as activities, or as things to be done), never as hypothetical future states of affairs or organizational outcomes: outcomes that must be brought about through cooperation and joint activities.

Your view of the world breaks down in the Rationalist Stage. Tasks, activities, and things to do are then labeled by others as purely «tactical objectives» because they come and go, adapt and change. Since values and strategic objectives are meant to endure, it will seem to others that you never mean what you say or do what was agreed.

So what do you do?
You have two possible responses, both in keeping with your character:


You have made your choice and you are on your way: continue skimming and enjoy—or continue systematically to the next Stage: the RATIONALIST mode.

Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011